- 「苦しんでいる人を救いたい」。
一人ひとりの思いが集まれば、大きな支援に変わる。 - 震災対策が進んでいた日本で、これほど大きな被害が出てしまったことに、世界の人々は衝撃を受けました。そして、災害への備えの重要性を改めて強く認識したのです。世界189の国や地域に広がる赤十字ネットワークを通じて、日赤にはかつてない規模の海外救援金が寄せられました。貧困などの課題に直面している開発途上国からも届いています。世界の人々にいただいたのはお金だけではありません。温かい思いやりの心が伝わり、みんなの勇気につながりました。
- “I want to help those who are suffering”
Sentiments of each individual can be gathered together into great assistance for their support. - Donations f rom overseas o f 100.2 b illion yen have beenreceived by the JRCS mainly channeled through the RedCross and Red Crescent National Societies around the world in 100 countries and regions. People from all around the world might be shocked when they saw the devastation in Japan, a country which was thought to be equipped with an advanced level o f d isaster p reparedness. The e vents o f March 11 a lso m ade u s r ecognize o nce a gain c rucial importance of the preparedness.
With a network spanning 191 countries and regions, an unprecedented amount of donations from overseas was received by the JRCS. Out of these donations, some even came from developing countries facing poverty and o ther challenges i n their respective countries. And it was more than just money from the people all over the world.
Their warm compassion could convey much courage to the people of Japan.