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New Zealand

New Zealand


クライストチャーチの復旧、復興状況にあわせ、2014年から、被災地クライストチャーチでの研修プログラムを開始しました。被災地東北から被災地クライストチャーチを訪問した子ども達は、倒壊した大聖堂、倒壊したテレビ局の跡地、犠牲者を偲ぶメモリアル、日本人建築家が設計した紙の教会、貨物用のコンテナを店舗として活用したショッピングモールなど、クライストチャーチ地震の爪痕と復興への歩みを見学。 また、高校や大学を訪問し、同世代の若者同士で、震災の経験や、復興の状況、復興への想いを互いに共有し合います。さらに、リアン・ダルジール市長を毎年表敬訪問し、被災地を率いるリーダーから直接復興状況や復興プランを伺いました。







「Kia Kaha!(強くあれ)」

ニュージーランドと日本が大震災に見舞われた2011年、ニュージーランドでラグビーワールドカップが開催されました。そして、同年開催された第1回Support Our Kidsチャリティパーティには、ニュージーランドラグビー代表チーム「オールブラックス」を代表して、マァ・ノヌー選手が、当時日本代表のヘッドコーチを務めていたジョン・カーワン氏と共に駆けつけ、東北にエールを送って下さいました。そして、東日本大震災から5年を迎えた2016年には、前年のワールドカップで優勝を遂げたばかりのダン・カーター選手が、翌2017年にはリッチー・マコウ選手がSupport Our Kidsを支援する目的で来日し、釜石などを訪問。チャリティラグビー教室やチャリティトークショーなどを通して、子ども達を勇気づけてくれました。そして、彼らが、子ども達に送ったメッセージの中には、ひとつの共通するメッセージがありました。それは、「強くあれ」を意味するマオリの言葉「Kia Kaha(キアカハ)!」でした。





Thinking Together about the recovery.The Program in the disaster-stricken area of Christchurch.

The training program started in 2014 in response to the recovery and reconstruction of Christchurch, The children from the disaster-stricken Tohoku region who visited Christchurch saw the progress of the recovery and traces of the earthquake, including the collapsed church, TV station, memorial monuments, the cardboard cathedral designed by a Japanese architect, and the remains a shopping mall that used cargo containers as stores. We also visited high schools and universities where young people of the same generation shared with each other their experiences of the earthquake, the progress of the reconstruction, and their thoughts about the recovery. We also paid a courtesy visit to Mayor Lianne Dalziel, and we do it every year to hear directly from her about the progress and plans for recovery.

Photos of the collapsed church / Cardboard cathedral / Exchange activity at Canterbury University / Courtesy visit to Mayor Lianne Dalziel.Photos of the collapsed church / Cardboard cathedral / Exchange activity at Canterbury University / Courtesy visit to Mayor Lianne Dalziel.

Photos of the collapsed church / Cardboard cathedral / Exchange activity at Canterbury University / Courtesy visit to Mayor Lianne Dalziel.Photos of the collapsed church / Cardboard cathedral / Exchange activity at Canterbury University / Courtesy visit to Mayor Lianne Dalziel.

Photos of the collapsed church / Cardboard cathedral / Exchange activity at Canterbury University / Courtesy visit to Mayor Lianne Dalziel.Photos of the collapsed church / Cardboard cathedral / Exchange activity at Canterbury University / Courtesy visit to Mayor Lianne Dalziel.

Photos of the collapsed church / Cardboard cathedral / Exchange activity at Canterbury University / Courtesy visit to Mayor Lianne Dalziel.Photos of the collapsed church / Cardboard cathedral / Exchange activity at Canterbury University / Courtesy visit to Mayor Lianne Dalziel.

Tatsunori Fukurai / Miyagi prefecture / Senior high school student at that timeTatsunori Fukurai / Miyagi prefecture / Senior high school student at that time

We toured the city of Christchurch during our visit to the disaster area, and to be honest, I didn’t expect the recovery to be as slow as it was. There were still cracks in the roads, buildings were still broken, and the framework of the structures were still bare. For me, the various scenes I saw that day were the most shocking within the two weeks I spent in New Zealand. I strongly felt that both countries are still in the process of recovering from the disaster, even though they are gradually getting back to their pre-disaster lives. After, we visited the mayor of New Zealand, and through the explanations of the local people and direct questions to the mayor, we were able to realize the connection between New Zealand and Japan. I was filled with a sense of mission and a sense of awareness on what I should do from now on. It was a very sobering experience.

“Kia Kaha!”(Stay strong)
What New Zealand’s national sport, rugby, taught us.

The Rugby World Cup was held in New Zealand in 2011, the same year when both New Zealand and Japan were struck by earthquake. During the first Support Our Kids charity party held in the same year, Ma’a Nonu, representing the New Zealand national rugby team “All Blacks”, came together with John Kirwan, who was the head coach of the Japanese national team at the time, to send a message of encouragement to Tohoku. In 2016, marking the fifth-year anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Dan Carter, who had just won the World Cup the previous year, visited Japan to assist Support Our Kids and visited Kamaishi, followed by Richie McCaw in 2017. They encouraged the children through charity rugby classes and talk shows. All the messages they sent to the children conveyed one meaning. It was the Maori phrase “Kia Kaha!”, which means “Stay strong!”

Photos of Dan Carter’s charity event, Richie McCaw, Ma’a Nonu, and Head coach John Kirwan in 2011 / Dan Carter’s 2016 visit in Japan / Richie McCaw’s 2017 visit in Japan / Rugby experience (during my homestay in New Zealand)Photos of Dan Carter’s charity event, Richie McCaw, Ma’a Nonu, and Head coach John Kirwan in 2011 / Dan Carter’s 2016 visit in Japan / Richie McCaw’s 2017 visit in Japan / Rugby experience (during my homestay in New Zealand)

Photos of Dan Carter’s charity event, Richie McCaw, Ma’a Nonu, and Head coach John Kirwan in 2011 / Dan Carter’s 2016 visit in Japan / Richie McCaw’s 2017 visit in Japan / Rugby experience (during my homestay in New Zealand)Photos of Dan Carter’s charity event, Richie McCaw, Ma’a Nonu, and Head coach John Kirwan in 2011 / Dan Carter’s 2016 visit in Japan / Richie McCaw’s 2017 visit in Japan / Rugby experience (during my homestay in New Zealand)

Photos of Dan Carter’s charity event, Richie McCaw, Ma’a Nonu, and Head coach John Kirwan in 2011 / Dan Carter’s 2016 visit in Japan / Richie McCaw’s 2017 visit in Japan / Rugby experience (during my homestay in New Zealand)Photos of Dan Carter’s charity event, Richie McCaw, Ma’a Nonu, and Head coach John Kirwan in 2011 / Dan Carter’s 2016 visit in Japan / Richie McCaw’s 2017 visit in Japan / Rugby experience (during my homestay in New Zealand)

Photos of Dan Carter’s charity event, Richie McCaw, Ma’a Nonu, and Head coach John Kirwan in 2011 / Dan Carter’s 2016 visit in Japan / Richie McCaw’s 2017 visit in Japan / Rugby experience (during my homestay in New Zealand)Photos of Dan Carter’s charity event, Richie McCaw, Ma’a Nonu, and Head coach John Kirwan in 2011 / Dan Carter’s 2016 visit in Japan / Richie McCaw’s 2017 visit in Japan / Rugby experience (during my homestay in New Zealand)